Saturday, June 11, 2011


its a game.

the rules are like this:
get a group of people.
each person will take a turn to be the judge and choose a category.
for example:
things you shouldn't do in public.
things you never tell your teachers.
things that make you cry.
things that keep you up at night.
everyone will write down their answer on a paper and fold it up.
the judge will read each paper & everyone tries to guess who wrote it.
there are no boundaries when it comes to the responses on the papers.
no limits, no rules. it can get ugly, but that's probably the funnest part.
when someone matches the right response with the person who wrote it,
the person who wrote it is "out" and they can no longer match names & responses.

when you are playing with kids like hayden anderson,
be prepared for some disturbing answers.

cool story, kirsten.
it was another one of those nights.
the whole time, i wanted to crawl in bed.
i just wanted to sleep the day away.

oh, and my mom is making me get checked for skin cancer in a couple weeks.
what? yeah. she's way more freaked out than i am.
things these days.


  1. Haha trying to escape from the cage in my garage.

  2. cancer, abuse, racism, hitting & screaming, eating disorders...such a wholesome night.
