Sunday, June 12, 2011

because i need the spirit.

Maybe you like commenting on posts, maybe you don't. 
But, I need you to this time. I've been feeling empty for a while now.
The obvious truth is, the Spirit hasn't been around as much as I'd like it to.
I need more advice, and more than anything, I'm asking for help.

You might never see me ask for help again - I'm far too proud.
But, I realize, I can't do this one on my own. How do you feel the Spirit most?
What do you do and when do you do it? Is there a scripture or song that helps?
It seems I've lost touch, and I can't get back by myself.


  1. i know that my redeemer lives. it's the greatest song of all time.

  2. by reading my scriptures in a quiet, pretty place outside.
    love you :)

  3. 1. When I study, I mean really deeply study, a certain topic or gospel principle, I find it very useful.
    2. If you have received your patriarchal blessing, read it. It makes you look from a different perspective.
    3. Serve others. When you forget your cares and do the Lord's work, you will ALWAYS grow closer to him. Go to Eagle Projects, visit less active or widows in your ward, or even give attention to someone who looks up to you. You will not be disappointed.

  4. A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief, always makes me feel the spirit, and helps me to get back to how I should be.

  5. conference talks. they work every time.

  6. This talk:

    and this video:

  7. these videos:,,,
    *the song sometimes he let's it rain, i can't find it on here anywhere... but i love it.
    *serving and/or working with those who has disabilities. they both bless you in way you can't imagine.

    p.s. i want to be invited to your blog... :) thanks love

  8. alma 5 is my rock, especially verse 7
    "Behold, he changed their hearts; yea, he awakened them out of a deep sleep, and they awoke unto God. Behold, they were in the midst of darkness; nevertheless, their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word"

    and you're one of the most spiritual people i know, the strength of your testimony and your willingness to share have always inspired me. don't know what i'd do without my class president :)
