Thursday, June 9, 2011

ab workouts & poptart cakes.

okay. is it just me, or are there some nights that you really don't want to hang out.
you just want to go home, watch a sappy movie and crawl in bed.
definitely what i was planning on. except this kid, dallin, decided to make
my day a little better. we made a poptart cake. okay. it went like this:

step 1
make two circle chocolate cake things.

step 2
cook poptarts and put them in the middle

step 3 
put frosting all over it.

let's be real. it was the most disgusting thing ever. wayyyy too much going on
for just one cake. but it was super fun, and i think i might have had the best
ab work out of my life from laughing. for the first time in a long time, i felt
like i could actually be happy. we played piano. and by we, i mean, he. 
basically, he's crazy amazing at piano. so i watched and listened. i might have
wanted to fall asleep. piano music does that to me. his brother made me 
krafts mac n' cheese. i'd never had it before. it's pretty gross. but we laughed.
a lot.

i'm ready for carefree.
i'm tired of bad days.
i'm tired of crying a lot.
i think i'll smile instead.


  1. Nights that you don't want to hang out with anybody? You are perfectly normal. It's called being an introvert and I'm one too. So it isn't just you. And poptart cake? I can't imagine that was very good haha.

  2. i'm also an introvert.
    you just have those days sometimes.
    also piano music makes me soooo sleepy too.

  3. hold up? first time ever having kraft mac n' cheese? get out. i love that stuff. and wanting a night in is normal. at least in my life it is. maybe too normal.
