Sunday, June 12, 2011

goodbye public eyes.

i'm officially going private.
message me or comment if you want an invite.
kirstenchaseg_ (at) hotmail (dot) com
^ don't forget that sneaky underscore.

the blogosphere is my second home. i'll miss the public realm dearly.
because i live to blog, and i blog to live. we're the best of friends, and lets be real,
we may not actually associate past courteous hello's and warm smiles.
we blog because we need to vent. we blog for the sake of blogging.
we blog because we are clever & witty and everyone wants us to. (meg.)
we blog because, here, our opinions matter, and what we can say what we feel.

tomorrow night my blog goes private.
because i am not allowed to say what i feel.
so, forgive me if i said anything hurtful to you.
it won't happen again.


  1. hey hey hey hey i really want to be invited to rrrread your really cute blog :)

  2. NO!
    invite me.
    invite. me.

  3. xbreathex4xmusicx(at)gmail(dot)com

    invite me.
    you'll be missed.

  4. well, i think you are adorable and wouldn't mind an invite.
    berrymonkey (@)

  5. just e-mailed you. i beg you to let me in on your private blog.
