Wednesday, June 8, 2011

please, do tell.

what are your go-to's and fix-me-up's for your bad days?
i think i'm on a streak of bad days. and i need some help.
usually poptarts & peanut butter get me through it, but
unfortunately, they've run their course and now i need a
new way to get through one of those days.

tell me,
what do you do?


  1. movies never fail.
    gilmore girls.

    i like to watch a sad movie to give me a good reason to get all that sadness and anger out by crying about a character dying

  2. Naps work everytime.
    Also, when it's really late at night,
    go outside and scream.
    it really does help. No matter the situation.

  3. ice cream, fries, naps, bon iver & drives in the car.

  4. listen to sydnee. gilmore girls is your best bet

  5. Definitely driving is a good getaway.
    naps, baths (an hour at a time)
    a book,
    write it down. :)

  6. I get zupas with a friend who will let me vent, without judging me. It lets me work out my feelings, and I almost always feel better.

  7. oreos and peanut butter.
    bowls of cereal.
    curled up with a cozy book and/or chick flick.

    add a spoonful of prayer on top of that and youre good to go :)
