Friday, August 19, 2011

it's the kind of ending you don't really want to see.

one more year of high school, and i could live without it. stress is taking a toll on me, literally. i don't need one more thing.

wanna know a secret?
i've been in and out of the hospital for months. every time a different test, a different doctor, but all coming up the same: we don't have an answer. if i am correct, insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. lets take it to the next level, i'm doing the same thing with people that are paid to give me results. all they have to say, "it's not cancer," good news, right? well, now that we've eliminated that one, we are one step closer to solving my problems.

i'm not ready for school to start. i can't handle any added stress right now. i'm seventeen years old, and i'll have gray hair before i graduate. not okay.

so, here's for help: got any stress-reducing remedies? i'm in dire need.


  1. best stress reduces ever: listen to bon iver and eat ice cream. even better? put the two together.

  2. I totally do!!! My mom has these magic oils(it sounds crazy, bare with me) but they really do have healing properties and such, and there are a few that reduce stress! I've had a few problems/sicknesses and they totally fixed me! It's sort of amazing, so if you want to try them, just let me know.

  3. stress reliever 101;
    1) grab a friend and go out for ice cream. take a friend that will let you talk her socks off and just be there to listen.
    2) go for a run. endorphins. nuff said.
    3) cry. it feels good, i promise.
    4) buy yourself a minky blanket. (okay, so maybe that was just a little advertising for myself. their softness does help, though.)
    5) look in the mirror and smile, and tell yoursle fhat you're beautiful. because clearly, you're a babe.
    6) go do some thinking. out in nature. alone.
    7) write in your journal. say whatever you need. even if words are not appropriate.
    8) blog.
    9) refer to number 1. call carlee. she'd love to listen.
