Monday, December 13, 2010

a partridge in a pear tree.

on the first day of christmas:

i aced my political science test.
i wrote an english paper about Jesus.
i wrote a two page note to someone dear.
i had my first peanut butter sandwich in over a week.
i worked for two hours.
i helped danny apply for a job.
i bought taco amigo, nacho supreme and fries.
i piled laundry on my bed to fold.
i procrastinated my psychology final.
i had a christmas dinner with my sunday school class.
i blogged.
i worked on christmas presents.
i felt like puking up everything i had eaten.
i cuddled with warm rice bags.
i did not feel like it was christmas.

what's a partridge anyway, and why would i
want pear tree? my true love is so thoughtful.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. dear kit, our posts are like exactly the same... i like it... a lot haha

  3. dear shelb.
    love it.
    ha we're creepy.
    perhaps we'll have
    similar posts for
    the next two weeks. (:
