Monday, August 23, 2010

the seventh day, we rest.

say goodbye to the summer skies.

it's a sunday.
was. was a sunday. today is monday. and it's just after midnight.
i went for a drive to a park. i sat in the car with the windows rolled down so i could feel the rain and wind. i read in Moses, and thought an awful lot about Jesus, and the creation. word from the weather man is sundays are always the prettiest. even in a storm. the clouds are always incredible, but when the sun hits them just right, they change colors. i sat in the rain under a pink cloud. are you jealous?

i like moses. he's a real good person. i'm thinking maybe one day, i can be like Moses. you know, the way he is in similitude of Christ. the way he doesn't give in to satan's temptations. i try to imagine what it would be like to be transfigured and stand in the presence of God. there aren't words to describe it.

tenth avenue north sang me a song today.
they call it By Your Side. annnndd i like it a lot.
in fact. i looked up the chords and learned it on the guitar.
kudos for, tabs galore.

i got to third nephi in my book of mormon scripture study. it's one of my favorite books. especially when Christ comes and teaches the people, and blesses the children, and the angels come down and preach to them.
and i try to imagine what it would be like to have Jesus give me a blessing. i love Him. and i know for certain He loves me. or else i wouldn't have the pretty sky to look at, or the trees. and he wouldn't answer my prayers.

i like sundays & church a whole lot.

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