Sunday, August 28, 2011


lap top with ee-cam, meet college classes & frequent conversations with myself to stay sane.
except that if i'm talking to myself, it appears i've already lost my sanity.

*disregard the completely irrelevant picture.

Dear self:
Listen up kid, I know you hate school; hate being the understatement of the century. School's not your thing, I get it. But look, its your senior year. Live it up and make tons of memories. No regrets this year. Go crazy, but don't be stupid. Do what you need to do, and then with all of your spare time, do everything you've ever wanted to do. Cause eventually you will run out of chances to try new things. Love everyone. Avoid drama and gossip. Live the gospel, you'll find it makes things a LOT easier. Don't B.S. anything, do the work you are required to do and it will pay off. Make new friends and strengthen your ties with old ones. Be confident and fearless, don't let anything hold you back from being yourself. Remember compliments, and pay them often. Smile always, cause you never know who is in need of it. Listen carefully to everyone, sometimes you can read between their lines. Look to help others, service is a cure for selfishness. Sleep only when its necessary. If you lose your sanity along your journey, it's fine, most people do. Try not to steal the spotlight from anyone, envy creates enemies, let them enjoy their limelight. Date often and make sure its always the best date they've been on. Don't criticize others, you're not in their shoes. Don't get embarrassed, making a fool of yourself makes others more confident - you don't want anyone feeling worse than you do. Always uplift, never bring anyone down. Try not to make judgements or assumptions about others, you'll be wrong. Refrain from being shy, and refrain from being obnoxious; but talk to the shy, they often have a great sense of humor, and appreciate the obnoxious, at least they're entertaining. Give second chances, and thirds, and fourths. Don't make a scene if you're having a bad day. Procrastinate reasonably, it could cost you if you're not careful. Keep a schedule and stay organized. Most of all, choose to be happy under all circumstances. Be an optimist and help others find the bright side too. Any questions?
love, self.

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