Friday, June 3, 2011

we held hands.

summer of 2011:
last night, i may have attended the graduation stomp.
i probably lost my favorite earrings, got punched in the face, and 
tossed out of the mosh pit at least 5 times.
i might have made arrangements to have a boxing party.
i played halo until 3:00 in the morning with people that are 8 years older than me.
there's a good chance i stayed up until 4:00 a.m. for the senior all-nighter to end.
and when it did, i may have packed sleeping bags and blankets for a cool night.
we slept on the turf field. scratch that. we talked on the turf field.
in our sleeping bags and blankets, until 6:30 in the morning. 
i probably wished on some shooting stars.
they may have unexpectedly come true.

its 7:10 a.m.
working on 24 hours without sleep.
am i tired? probably not.
we gonna party all night,
no sleep.


  1. i took a 7 hour nap after last nights fiasco.
    woke up at 3. it was sweet.

  2. We're so cool. Probably we'll do it every weekend.
