Sunday, May 1, 2011

prom: it's a facebook holiday.

but, i wanted to celebrate here, too.
this is probably what i looked like 24 hours ago:
and, this is me and my date.
we match real good. ha.
prom. love it.
samuel, lookin sharp.
prom was incredible.
the prom hangover i'm experiencing - not so pleasant.
i've taken at least four naps today and slept in until ten.
crazy night. loved every second of it.


  1. i don't think i've ever loved a prom dress more.
    and you two are adorable. (:

  2. you look stunning. that dress? instantly fell in love. i could never pull off somethings so awesomely pretty. oh how i miss high school dances. take in every second of them because before you know it they'll be part of the past.

  3. you look lovely.
    you are lovely.
    i like you
