Monday, December 27, 2010

you know it's not going to be the best day when:

you use your fingers to scrape ice off your car window.
you lose your eyesight from the blinding glare of the winter roads and morning sun.
you watch people getting paid at work for doing absolutely nothing & you're working your butt off.
you hate work.
you realize, besides work, you've got nothing else to do today.
you check your phone every five minutes, hoping to find a text or missed call.
you don't have any texts or calls.
you eat a delicious sandwich that makes you sick.
you pick up food at Gandy's and drinks in the gas station to have a not-so-attractive man hit on you.
you realize, that man MUST be over 45 years old.
your best friend is enjoying their break at a cabin & snowboarding.
you know when you get home, you'll only be watching tv for the rest of the night.
you put on nice clothes, and they still don't make you happy.
you eat chocolate to cheer you up and get nauseous.
you can only find two ways to spend your breaks at work: blogging and facebook stalking.

merry christmas break.


  1. dear kit, we should be friends. cause pretty much... this is me. except i have no job and my friends just work all the time.
    also that 45 year old unattractive man... that is kinda creepy.

  2. Dear shelb, I wish you a better ending to your break than mine. Cause right now, its not looking so good!

    P.s. that man was beyond disturbing.

  3. Mmm, facebook stalking is my specialty. Although, I'm not sure it could cure such a lame day. A good make out session with a stranger could fix that. ;)
