Thursday, December 23, 2010


warning: do not read this post if you are easily disturbed, if blood or death makes you uncomfortable, if you are nightmare prone like me, or if you are afraid of box-children.

a pre-explanation thingy:
i woke up at 4:30 ish 5 this morning, sweating, crying, and on the verge of screaming. i couldn't sleep. i'd had the most vivid, confusing, and straight up demented nightmare ever. in which, real people, in exact detail are portrayed, emotions are extreme and completely confusing. i'm about to explain my nightmare, you have been warned.

so here goes:
in my dream, i'm babysitting these two boys, and somehow, i'm still not sure how, they die. they are only like four years old. both have white blonde hair, and gorgeous eyes. [in real life they are the exact same, and have the sweetest personalities.] for some odd reason, i go for a drive and come back home shortly after. when i'm getting out of my car, i glance down the street to see a small boy, wearing a blue box that goes to his knees, and holes cut out for eyes, holding a really sharp thing [in my dream i call it a 'puncture-er] looks like an ice pick. he's just staring at me. i get a little creeped out so i start speed walking to my front door, and everytime i look back, he's closer to me. by the time i reach the front door, he's on the porch only five yards away. i rush inside, bolt and lock the door and yell for my sister to bolt and lock the garage door and shut the doggy door too. when i turn around, he's there. in my kitchen staring at me, with his ice pick, in his blue box. i run to my living room where the two dead boys i was babysitting are laying on the ground. i'm not sure what i intended to do, but i was leaning over their bodies when the box-child starts stabbing my back multiple times with his puncture-er. [this is just a dream, but it FELT so real] the dream skips again, and the box child is locked outside in my back yard. my kitchen window over looks my back yard and i see the box children. yes, children. they are everywhere. i call the cops and a woman arrives in my back yard. for some stupid reason, i decide to go back there and look. right as i walk out, i see a zombie woman walking towards me. i throw a stick straight in her heart in time to see the woman officer being stabbed by the children. i run inside, but the children get in too.  the one box child comes towards me - i'm conflicted because he's just a child and i don't want to kill him, but i do. and the rest disappear.  i rip off the box to see a small, innocent boy with shaggy brown hair and big blue eyes. a knock on the door. i open it to see the parents of the two dead boys i was babysitting. the mom and i just look at each other in tears. at some point, i figure out the zombie-woman that i killed was the mother of the original box child.

the end.
if you can interpret this, please tell me. i'm beyond confused, and freaked out.
i'm haunted. i feel like box children are everywhere i turn.

p.s. sorry if you are mentally disturbed, i tried to warn you.

1 comment:

  1. i had the perfect vision of the box child in my head...scary.
