Friday, December 3, 2010

i'm not joking.

the stress levels are eating away at my insides.


i have a stress-induced ulcer.
if you've had an ulcer, please raise your hand.
we can be friends. and we can cry in the fetal 
position for hours on end. we can be anorexic
together until it goes away, because eating food
hurts more than never eating again. 

if you're not completely sure what an ulcer is,
basically it's a kanker in your stomach. it is
produced from high stress levels and citrus-y
acidic foods. sometimes bacteria live on ulcers
and aggravate it, and quicken the growth of the
ulcer. it is extremely painful and can last for long
amounts of time. it's like a five week long period.
but in your stomach. and not really a period at all.

but you know what decided to join my ulcer?
mother nature. she's returned from her monthly 
vacation, to make this, the. most. miserable. day. ever.


thanks megan for explaining a couple things about our
favorite time of the month. remember how chocolate
gets rid of cramps? well, great, but it actually worsens
ulcers. hmm.. you know how you get crazy cravings
for your favorite foods, like bajio, or costa vida, etc?
yeah, well my ulcer doesn't like spicy foods either. lets
just ruin all my fun. stupid ulcer. stupid mother nature.

i'm currently an anorexic, emotional wreck, that's
overly stressed out, starving, and in lots of pain.

feel free to bring me ice cream.
[cold stone cake batter with brownie.]
at least i can eat that much.
[or just chocolate ice cream would suffice.]


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i'll have to do a bit more research on ulcers

    until then,

    i'll keep you in my prayers.

  3. I started following your blog because I remember what high school felt like and I blogged then...and this definitely matches some posts I had.

    It gets better I promise. College is just as stressful, but I think there is something mellowing about knowing that even if you have to take all the gen eds- you generally have more options.
