Tuesday, October 19, 2010

lemme ask you

little bit of this;

1. What is your favorite article of Clothing? 
t shirts, warm socks, long sleeves.
2. Name one person who has inspired you within that last week. 
elder uchtdorf
3. Favorite Disney Movie?
mulan, tarzan, hercules 
4. Most Valuable Possession? 
my books of mormon, soccer jersey
5. If you had a puppy, what would you name it?
rex, rockie, lana, ono, davie 
6. How many pancakes can you eat? 
at one time? eight.
7. Can you take off a starburst wrapper in your mouth?
hmm, if i try really hard 
8. One tv show you HAVE to watch every week?
phineas and ferb, bones, animal planet.

little bit of that;

1. milkshake or a smoothie?
2. on an ideal day, sandals or boots?
3. favorite cartoon show?
4. read the book or watch the movie?
5. hottest jonas brother?
6. favorite winter olympic sport?
7. scary movie, funny movie, cute movie?
8. favorite band/artist?

answer, if you feel the urge.

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