Thursday, October 7, 2010

attitude of gratitude

things get hard, ya know? real hard sometimes.
unbearable even. it's frustrating and super hard
to be optimistic in these moments of difficulty.

big thanks to:

A. momma andersen, for believing in me and helping
me realize my accomplishments, and for recognizing
my struggles and respecting me for the strength i'm 
trying to have. 'i love you' texts are appreciated much.
i'm thankful for a second mom, that is very in tune with
the spirit and knew that is just what i needed to hear today.

 B. dad, after a heart felt text from dianna, i was feeling
better about where i stand, and that my efforts aren't
being completely wasted. when i got home, i found
a sweet, loving, note in my cleat that had me in tears.

"Tigger, (as my daddy calls me)
Good luck at your games today, play as hard as you
can then play a little harder. I am so proud of you and 
how you have handled this tough season, you are one
of my heros. I love you...
P.s. Have a great time at the homecoming activities
P.p.s. You are a most wonderful daughter"

the blue ink was smeared, and there was a wet spot,
my tears, or his, i didn't know, but he left for camping
and won't be home until monday or tuesday. 
every time i open the note, my eyes get blurry from the
tears pooling up, and i think of how blessed i am to have him.
i'm thankful for a dad that makes me strong and loves me
no matter what the circumstances or conditions are.
love you Dad.

C. danny dorius. in all this nonsense, he may be one of the
only people that relates to me, that i can vent to, and 
cry in front of, that understands the position i'm in. he's
here for me through it all, and supports me. he really wants
me to be happy, and i think he's really good at making me 
happy. i'm thankful for someone to talk to about anything.
someone that loves me and knows my potential.

kudos everyone,
you're so wonderful to me.

& then i realize that i'm surrounded by celestial, angelic,
servants of the Lord, all in accordance with love, and the peace
it brings in the world. they exploit the worth of souls, and hold
it up for the world to see. they stand, in search of those who 
need a helping hand, here and there. and selflessly bless the lives
of those in need. i couldn't be more grateful for their place in my life.

thank you, with all of my heart,
to anyone who has blessed my life
with their love and willingness to serve.
for lifting my burden when i was
not strong enough to carry it alone.

you mean the world to me.

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