Monday, September 20, 2010


she's 5'7, blonde, tan, and plays soccer.
aka: boys, hit her up, i forgot to mention the best part,
she's seventeen and single.
that's right, my best friend.

today was her happy happy 17th. 
awh, she's all grown up! i can't
believe it's junior year, and we've 
managed to get by since third grade!

lydia andersen: she's an incredible example,
close to God, intelligent, creative, athletic,
hard working, and a true friend.
i can turn to her for absolutely anything, and
i know she'll be there for me.

she likes:
mexican - we eat bajio & costa.
hot chocolate - her own
soccer - one of the best players i know.
piano - taught herself.
singing - humble, but an incredible voice.
chocolate - specifically peanut m&ms.
purple - probably one of her favorite colors.
the gospel - she has a testimony that blows me away.
drawing - never met anyone that draws like her.
fourwheeling - since we were little.
food - she'll be a chef.
music - she introduced me to the majority of my style.
dresses - all in all, she has the CUTEST outfits ever.

when we were in fifth grade:
"lydia, do you think God sent us here to be friends?"

right now:
i have no doubt in my mind that God sent us here to be friends.
in fact, i'm certain we were best friends in heaven. maybe we 
lived next to each other, maybe she taught me how to play soccer,
and play piano. maybe she's just one of those angels sent here in 
disguise to bless the lives of others. i'd like to think so. 

lydia andersen. she's my best friend in the whole world.
she never ceases to inspire me. i honestly don't know who
i would be without her. she completely altered my life, and
i can truly say she has left the biggest impact.

thank you.
for being my best friend.


  1. so I finally came across the url to your blog.
    I heard it was a must read.....
    was looking through all of it, and came across this.
    I love you more than you know!
    this brought tears to my eyes.
    You always seem to make me seem like a better friend than I actually am. So THANK YOU!

    I wish I was:
    as caring as you
    as friendly as you
    as genuinely kind as you

    You are incredible kirsten! HOnestly!
    The best friend ever.
    Haleluja God placed me in a house a block down from you. It's no coincidence.
