Monday, July 12, 2010

the pleasurable pg pool treats me well.

i have an addiction.

fifty cent, chocolate, soft serve, ice cream.
welcome to the pg pool snack bar, heaven on earth.
thanks to our snack bar girls, i usually don't go a day
without it. kudos girls, you make my world go round.

My attempts to beat my addiction have fail miserably.
Looks like I'll just have to put up with it for a little longer.. dang.


  1. KITTEN!
    I'm real glad I found this.
    I miss you, and have to ask..
    will you be my exclusive bonding partner?

  2. oh if i had this blog during the days of ap biology... mr. vandijk would be a worthy blog victim. (:

    we had some prime times in that class.


  3. So kit, don't get creeped out, I just stalked a little bit, on accident of course. And found this blog. It's real nice. I like it a lot actually! Also, I like that picture of you and your sis, it's real cute.
