Saturday, July 17, 2010

i get real happy when []

[i get a crisp dollar bill.]
[i discover an 'undiscovered' band.]
[i get an email from coldstone.]
[i get the perfect combination of ice and water to drink]
[i finally understand the joke]
[i unexpectedly receive chocolate]
[i look at home videos or scrapbooks]
[i act childish]
[i feel the spirit]
[i open a new pack of gum or paper]
[i get to buy people things]
[i get big hugs]
[i can sit in hot & rainy weather]
[i play card games]
[i put on my glasses to read]
[i get kids to 'bust it']
[i can smell salsa, jerky, or garlic bread]
[i remember my dreams]
[i can help]
[i learn new piano songs]
[i conquer my uncoordinated hands and catch something]
[i get my fish to respond to me]
[i put on socks straight from the dryer]
[i eat fruit snacks, roll ups, or drink juice boxes]
[i wake up from naps]
[i roast perfect marshmallows]
[i get notes in class]
[i blog about things that make me happy]
[i hear songs like these:]

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