Sunday, January 8, 2012


I want to be her.
I wish my guitar strings weren't broken.
I miss playing.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I apologize.

Sorry, but I like my private blog better.
This blog is the red-headed step child.
My private blog is where I really write everything.
Freedom of speech is great, but you still get criticized for what you say.
So, in order to prevent any drama, I say everything I have to say,
where nobody else has to read it. This blog, unfortunately, is unloved,
and doesn't get nearly as much attention.

I guess, I just need somewhere to write my thoughts without being disturbed.
Why not a journal? I can't stand to look at my handwriting. It's not clear enough to read anyways.

So, I apologize that my blog is particularly boring right now. But most of the things I want to say,
probably shouldn't be said for the sake of my sanity.