Sunday, May 8, 2011

so, i guess it was my birthday or something.

i'm seventeen, as of 11:47 yesterday night. 
i established a few things about myself in the last 24 hours.

1. i love needles and blood.
now that i am 17, i can officially donate. 
sign me up, coach.

2. i'm a deeper sleeper than sleeping beauty herself.
also, for a fair warning, i sleep talk like crazy.

3. i've already facebook stalked you.
yes, you. at least 19 times. it's fine.

4. i dream about my husband looking like Paul Wesley. 
so fine.


  1. a] happyhappy birthday
    b] donate blood a million times for me please. something i wish i could do.
    c] paul is a babe.

  2. giving blood is one of my absolute favorite things to do! one time it took me a little less than 4 minutes to fill up one of those pint bags haha. I'm pretty sure it's the pleasant grove high school record for bleeding the fastest.

  3. Hi. I'm sorry to tell you that Paul is actually my future husband. I have a ring and everything. It's fine. I love your blog!

  4. i thought he was OUR husband..... whaaat?

  5. lexi. WE - you and me - will be marrying him.
    sister wives, babe. it's okay.
