Tuesday, November 16, 2010

16 going on 21, what?

so what, if i write his name in cursive in my notebooks?
so what, if his last name is tagged on to mine?

so what, if i already chose the names all the children i plan to have?
so what, if i'm 16 and i wish i was married?
so what, if i can't wait till i have a four month baby-bump?
so what, if when i played house as a little girl i was always the pregnant mom?
maybe i just like the idea of having babies?
maybe not the 'having' part, but the part that they are mine.

time is flying by
& at this point, i'm okay with that.
cause in no time, i'll be happily married.

it's okay if you think i'm deranged 
and i've have lost my mind.
i guess it's pretty normal for me.

love is a curious thing, isn't it?


  1. this is soo extremely adorable.
    the two of you are so extremely adorable (:

  2. thank heavens i'm not the only one.
