Wednesday, November 10, 2010

the classic questionnaire.

1] if you could have any, what super power would you want?
a: shape shifting, then i could shape shift into any superhero with any superpower.

2] if you could be any animal, what would you be?
a: flying fish. you can fly, and you can breathe under water.

3] what is your most embarrassing moment?
a: choking on a cinnamon roll and turning to the attractive RMs next to me to help me out.

4] what is one of your favorite movie quotes?
a: "what is pain?" "french bread" [name that movie]

5] which condiment is most vital in your diet?
a: peanut butter.

6] who is the most attractive actor?
a: brad pitt, mark whalberg, cam gigandet

7] what is your favorite abnormal crayon color?
a: jazzberry jam, wild blue yonder, razzle dazzle rose. [they are real colors i promise]

8] what is your favorite article of clothing?
a: sports bra, soccer shorts.

9] what would you do with a million dollars?
a: pay off debts, probably a little splurge shopping, guarantee my kids a
home and opportunity to go to college, help out family & friends, and save.

10] if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
a: here in pleasant grove, rome, or on a tropical island.

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